New CS:GO Patch Notes Include Flick Stick

The latest CS:GO patch notes include Flick Stick, an input scheme created by game developer and input specialist Jibb Smart going back to 2019. The developer said he had originally imagined the input scheme to be used mainly by competitive CS:GO players who perform at the top level and who are looking for a more dynamic play. Further into the technology’s development, however, Jibb Smart realized his creation was “really easy to use”. Now, Valve has implemented Flick Stick to CS:GO and finally delivered a longtime in-demand feature for the community.

What is Flick Stick?

Flick Stick allows CS:GO console players to point their crosshairs instantly in a particular direction. Instead of having to turn around pixel by pixel, as is the standard procedure of the more traditional legacy stick aiming, players who use Flick Stick can tilt the stick and force their point of view to an area, allowing them to react to threats or scan the field without wasting time.

This simple innovation makes CS:GO flicks a doable stunt for console players who, until now, have faced some limitations in terms of movement and control. Flick shots require an extremely high in-game mobility and flexibility widely regarded as achievable only with a mouse, but with Flick Stick, not only CS:GO console players but also FPS console players as a whole may very well start changing the status quo.

Actual CS:GO flicks done with a mouse are still difficult to replicate with a console even with the Flick Stick implementation. Developer Jibb Smart acknowledges this by saying that the Flick Stick feature won’t make a controller just as good as the mouse, especially when it comes to FPS games like CS:GO.

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Jibb Smart’s Vision

Jibb Smart claims that while Flick Stick will teach someone how to flick in CS:GO, or at least attempt to do so, it won’t make console players better right away. Other important parts of the game including map awareness, weapon choice, and angle positioning still remain to be the biggest factors that determine success.

The developer, who also has a small YouTube account, states that he stands for the cause of making console games both in his expertise and outside of it more accessible, more fun, and more competitive. He believes that the console shouldn’t be secondary to the mouse when it comes to control and that it has great potential that he wishes to unlock by developing further technologies other than Flick Stick. Keep up to date with all the CS:GO goings on with our news.

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